English Castle Awards – English Heritage Week

6th-15th September 2024

Join the fun by activating and hunting ECA/WCA castles during this week. Along with normal activations, special points will go to activators and hunters who activate and hunt a site listed in both the ECA/WCA list, and are also English Heritage sites. Note! Not all English Heritage sites qualify as ECA/WCA sites so activators please check your locations by using the XLS and KMZ files below. Activators please use as many bands and modes as possible.

The usual ECA Activation Rules apply for Multi-Program Activations.


  • 1 Point per Activation of a Non English Heritage Site
  • 25 Points per Activation of an English Heritage Site
  • Activate as many Unique English Heritage References as possible


  • 1 Point per QSO (Band and Mode) for Non-English Heritage Site
  • 25 Points per QSO (Band and Mode) for an English Heritage Site.

English Heritage Site List Excel Spreadsheet


All English Heritage site listed in their own easy to use spreadsheet.

English Heritage Site .KMZ File


All English Heritage references and 1km activation zones

Activity Schedule



Start of English Heritage Week Activity

Activations Begin – All English Castle References but focus on English Heritage Sites for maximun points.



Last day and end of English Heritage Week Activity

Ensure all logs are submitted by 18th Sept to allow results to be available as soon as possible after the event ends.


Activators Logs Count!

All scores will be calculated by using the activators logs (No Hunter data is required to be sent), so please ensure your QSO is valid before signing off(on air only). No logs will be altered once submitted to the ECA Logs Manager. For Activators Ham2k Polo has built in English Castle activities, we highly suggest using this as it creates all your ADIF files in the correct format along with the right filenames.

Short Wave Listeners


Swl’s can join in too, please keep a log of your contacts – activator callsign, reference worked, date, time and the station the activator was working at the time of logging. Making sure you add your claimed points total, send your results to us via email after the event has finished.